Updates for TikTok publishing, Mobile app, and Reports

TikTok publishing character limit increase

You can now schedule or publish TikTok videos with captions of up to 2000 characters. This new limit is almost equivalent to the native posting limit of 2200 characters.

Learn more about TikTok publishing with Agorapulse here.

Stay connected to your team member’s work and your own with Mobile Drafts

With our new draft capability on the Agorapulse mobile app, you can:

  • Create a post from a draft in the mobile composer
  • Save a draft without publishing date or media or social network

This means you can save in-progress notes when you compose a post on mobile, share notes with team members, and re-use existing drafts crafted by team members across all devices independent from the location.

Find out more about this feature in our Help Center.

Automatically calculate engagement rates

It is now possible to automatically calculate engagement rates at page/profile or post level directly in Reports. You can choose to calcuate the engagement rate either per impression or per reach. This feature will allow you to conveniently assess and compare the performance of social networks or profiles.